Mission & Vision

Manna Church Newport News, VA

(30%) Manna Multiplication

All of the missions and outreach done by the Manna Church Red Shirt SERVE Teams. Neighborhood adoption, SERVE Days, Drink give aways, College Campus outreach, laundromat blitz, just to name a few.

(20%) Local Multiplication

These are partners in our cities who provide unique ministries to our community. Care Net Peninsula, Peninsula Rescue Mission, Cherished, FreeKind, CIG (Apartment Life).

(10%) National Multiplication

(Multiply, ARC, SLN, Send Network, and MicroSites) We are on a mission to plant 273 Manna Churches!

(20%) Global Multiplication

(ICM, RUN Ministries, MAPS Global, Multiply Missions) We invest in planting churches in some of the darkest areas

(20%) Next Generation Multiplication

(MannaKids, MannaStudents, Manna University, Bible Translation, Kardia Educational Services, Joy School, Residents) We invest in the future.

Reach Out Celebration

We are called to be a Witness of Jesus to all people near and far. It is with an understanding of this mission that we participate in our annual Reach Out Celebration. You can give here to be a part of Manna Church’s mission to advance the Kingdom of God here in Newport News, across the Military Highway, and to the ends of the Earth.


Jump in as we Pray, Give, and Go.

A Vision To Change The World

Manna Church is a network of churches celebrating 50 years of ministry! In 2021 we launched the Multiply Movement in Newport News VA. We imagined churches that are truly welcoming to everyone. Churches without walls – where everyone had a seat at the table regardless of personal history, family background, ethnicity, or gender.

Here’s the deal, Manna Church cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. We have a vision to change the world. Manna Church is a family of individuals that have found purpose in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom. You were made on purpose for a purpose!